Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First Impression: Garnier Skin Renew Dark Spot Treatment Mask

Hello again!

I wanted to write a quick first impression post on the new Garnier Skin Renew Dark Spot Treatment Mask ($19.99 CDN for 6 masks), which beauty bloggers have been raving about since it was released a couple months back. I have been interested in trying this product ever since I saw it in stores, but honestly didn't want to spend the $19.99 CDN for them. I decided that I would wait until they were on sale to try them out, so when I saw them at Rexall Pharma Plus for $14.99 I thought I would pick them up! (These masks are still currently on sale until tomorrow, September 26th if you're interested in picking them up at 25% off) 

Garnier Skin Renew Dark Spot Treatment Mask ($19.99 CDN for 6 masks)

 Individually wrapped mask (1 of 6)  

According to Garnier, the Skin Renew Dark Treatment Mask is a 10-minute intensive treatment tissue mask which promises revitalized and more luminous skin, as well as hydration and dark spot correction. 

Garnier claims that this 10-minute tissue mask:

  • Deeply hydrates for 24 hours
  • Boosts radiance 
  • Smoothes & revitalizes
They also claim that each mask contains a 1/2 bottle* of hydrating serum (*Based on a 30ml bottle, therefore containing 15ml of serum per mask)

If you would like to read more about Garnier's claims as well as my first impression after trying it, please keep reading! 

Below is Garnier's claims about this product, quoted directly from the back of the box (in Italic):
"Dark spots, dullness, and uneven skin tone come from a number of sources and are one of the most difficult problems to fight. A gentle and yet effective treatment can sometimes be hard to find".

"Garnier Skin Renew introduces Dark Spot Treatment Mask, a 10-minute gentle  facial mask with Vitamin C that leaves skin intensely hydrated for 24 hours and brightens for smoother-looking, radiant skin that feels refreshed and revitalized. This translucent tissue mask with breakthrough Stretch-to-Fit Technology acts as a "second skin", providing smoother and better adherence to the natural contours of the face for maximum comfort and effectiveness".

"Instantly: Instant radiance + 24 Hr hydration. In just 2 weeks: Skin looks brighter and more even when mask is used 3x per week. For optimal results on dark spots use together with Skin Renew Dark Spots Daily Treatment and Dark Spot Overnight Peel". 

Application Process & First Impression: 

Before applying the mask, I washed my face with Philosophy Purity cleanser (an amazing all-in-one cleanser), and patted it dry. I then placed the mask on my face and adjusted it accordingly around my eyes, nose, and mouth. It was fairly easy to apply, although I could have adjusted it slightly lower to fit my forehead better (see photos). I do feel that the cut outs for the eyes and mouth are a little small. My lips are not the biggest, and the mask itself felt slightly uncomfortable around my lips and and eyes. I'm hoping that I will get the hang of the application when I use it for the second time! The scent of the mask itself is very pleasant! I can't quite describe the smell, but it is a very fresh and clean scent, which is not overbearing at all! 

Excuse my frightening appearance! Notice that the mask goes past my forehead and up into my hairline. I could have brought it down lower, but then my lips and nose wouldn't align properly. There is also quite a bit of excess mask that could have been stretched to better fit my face

Closer look at the mask on. Excuse the unprofessional background and Jason-like appearance. Notice the shape and size of the cut outs. 

After applying the mask, I did notice a slightly tingling feeling during the 10 minute wait time. It wasn't unpleasant, but did tingle quite a bit (think of how your face feels after exfoliating). I do have slightly sensitive skin, so this could also be attributed to that. After the 10 minute wait time, I removed the mask and massaged the leftover serum on my face. I did feel that there was still a lot of serum left over on my face, almost too much if that makes sense. (I actually brought the serum down my face and neck, and still had tons left over on my face) I guess the 15ml of serum claim is correct! After massaging the leftover serum into my skin, I waited about 5 minutes for my skin to dry and my skin felt slightly tacky afterwards. It almost felt like I had applied a tacky foundation primer to my skin. However, when my face was dry, I did notice a slightly brighter and more hydrated face. My face was glowing slightly and felt less dull. It was a little red, but again, this is probably because my skin is sensitive (I turn red very easily). I am quite pleased with this product overall! I don't have many dark spots, but do have some acne scarring and redness around certain areas on my face. 

Photo taken 5 minutes after application. I don't know if you can tell in the lighting, but my skin looks more hydrated and has a slightly luminous effect. I didn't think to take a 'before' picture, but I will keep that in mind for future updates. 

As for the instant results, I do believe that my skin felt more radiant after immediate use, and it still feels quite hydrated 24 hours later (I tried this mask out yesterday at about 6:30 P.M) I have yet to test out the 2 week claim, but I will be using these masks 3x a week (and will also take follow up photos), and let you know if I notice any difference in brightness and evenness in my skin. Let me know if this interests you! 

That's it for my first impression on this product! Sorry it this one is a bit long! As always, thank you for reading and leave any comments for me in the section below! 


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